Electronic Signatures

The Nintu E-Signature and E-Signature Verification Solution is an independent solution for the single or mass signature of documents.

The business documents are signed according to legal requirements and international standards. Supported signature formats are EDIFACT H/T, XML-DSig, PKCS#7 and PDF. To support country specific legal requirements, the required cryptographic modules (e.g. HSM, Smart Cards) are connected using a PKCS#11 or a provider specific API.

Please contact us if you have any questions or would like to receive a quote.

mit unserer Tochterfirma InvoCLOUD AG, die eine Netzwerkpartnerin der SIX Group ist,
koennen eBills ueber unsere Applikation (DXP, eBillHub)
an Ihren Kunden und Rechnungsempfaenger gesendet werden.
InvoCLOUD AG, Wallisellen, Switzerland

© 2015-2025, Nintu Informatik AG, Wallisellen, Switzerland

Nintu Informatik AG

